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Топик по английскому языку на тему - Kazakhstan для всех классов школы. Эссе по английскому языку "My Kazakhstan" Топик на тему kazakhstan

Казахстан – Kazakhstan [казахстан]
Астана – Astana [астана]

Страна – country [кантри]
Столица – capital [кэпитал]
Город – city [сити]
Азия – Asia [эйша]
Казахский язык – kazakh language [казах лэнгвидж]
Национальная валюта Тенге – national currency Tenge [нэйшинал карэнси тэнге]
Население – population [популэйшн]
Река – river [ривэ]
Горы – mountains [маунтинс]
Озеро – lake [лэйк]
Достопримечательности – sights сайтс
Религия – religion [релиджн]
Национальная кухня – national cuisine [нэйшинал квизин]

Диалоги о Казахстане на английском языке

— Ты был когда-нибудь в Казахстане?
— Have you ever been in Kazakhstan?
— Да. Это очень красивая страна. Там много заповедников и озер. Также в Казахстане есть космодром Байконур и музей космонавтики.
— Yes. It is very beautiful country. There are a lot of national parks and lakes there. Also there is Baikonur Cosmodrome and Space Museum in Kazakhstan.
— А какая столица в Казахстане?
— And what is the capital of Kazakhstan?
— Столица – город Астана. Еще есть крупные города, такие как Алма-Ата, Шымкент и Караганда.
— The capital is Astana city. Also there are big cities such as Alma-Ata, Shymkent and Karaganda.
— А кто является главой государства?
— And who is the head of the country?
— Президентом республики является Нурсултан Назарбаев. Он управляет страной с 1990 года.
— The president of the republic is Nursultan Nazarbaev. He has been running the country since 1990.
— Какие места ты советуешь посетить в Казахстане?
— What places do you advice to visit in Kazakhstan?
— В первую очередь, я рекомендую столицу страны. Там много музеев, парков и садов. Еще есть интересный город Туркестан с древней архитектурой.
— First of all, I recommend you the capital of the country. There are a lot of museums, parks and gardens. Also there is interesting city Turkestan with ancient architecture.
— А чем еще можно заняться в Казахстане?
— And what else can I do in Kazakhstan?
— Можно пойти в горы, например на Алтай, Тянь-Шань или Алатау. Также советую попробовать традиционную кухню, например популярное мясное блюдо, которое называется «бешбармак».
— You can go to the mountains, for example, to Altai, Tien Shan and Alatau. Also advice to taste traditional cuisine, for example popular meat dish that calls beshbarmak.
— А что привезти в подарок из Казахстана?
— And what can I bring as a gift from Kazakhstan?
— Популярный сувенир – это изделия из войлока. Также можно купить восточные сладости в подарок или фрукты. Хорошим подарком из поездки будут считаться изделия из серебра и куклы, одетые в национальные костюмы.
— A popular souvenir is felt products. Also you can buy oriental sweets as a gift or fruits. A good gift from the trip will be silverware and dolls, dressed in national clothes.

My motherland, my Kazakhstan!!!

I want to tell you about my country where I live. My motherland is Kazakhstan. My country is very large in size. Do you know this fact: the countries of France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden, and Finland combined can all fit inside the territory of Kazakhstan! Do you know that Kazakhstan borders China, Russia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan?
Imagine yourself in a plane flying over its territory. You will see wonderful sights such as the blue lines of the rivers, blue lakes, green fields and forests, plains and mountains. You will enjoy every minute of your flight! The landscape of Kazakhstan has many different looks: the beautiful Tian Shan in the south and the Altai mountains in the east. The Caspian Sea is full of sturgeon and oil resources… Have you ever heard about Balkhash Lake? Its eastern part contains fresh water and its western part contains salt water. In the southern part of my country you may visit and admire the blue Tien Shan spruces. They are a real decoration of the southern places. They look like candles – straight, tall and reaching the sky. There is also the world famous skating rink Medeo! It is the best place for international competitions in skating. On the weekends, ordinary people, not champions in skating, may come to Medeo and spend a wonderful day there. It is impossible not to see the beautiful nature around the skating rink! Welcome and remember another place of interest which is the mountain ski resort, Shymbulak. Visit my country and you will know more about its landscape! You will know more about the wildlife of Kazakhstan, about the sights of Almaty, modern and beautiful places of interest of Astana, about our customs and traditions. Do you know, for example, that you can celebrate the New Year Day in March? It is Nauryz - holiday which is celebrated by the Kazakh as a beginning of spring. Come and you’ll enjoy the main dish of this ancient holiday- Nauryz Kozhe! It includes seven compulsory elements. These components symbolize happiness, luck, youth, health, wealth, quick growth, the heaven’s patronage. It is considered that a coming guest is sent by God. Come and you will be welcomed into houses to enjoy the tasty dishes of Kazakh cuisine - kuyrdak, baursaks and beshbarmak. Peaceful and generous, the land of Kazakhstan has always been famous for its hospitality.
Our land is remarkable for its ancient history. It is not by accident that it is located on the crossroads of two cultures: European and Asian. Kazakhs were traditionally nomads. If you watch the film “Nomad” you will know about the life of the Kazakh people from ancient times. The people who inhabit my country are patient, understanding, proud, and friendly. They are also hardworking and reliable. They have the qualities which helped them live and survive in the hardest of times. The national pride of any land is its people, talented scientists, musicians, writers, and artists. The most famous representatives of Kazakh culture are Abai Kunanbaev, Shokan Ualikhanov, Ibrai Altynsarin, Sabit Mukanov, great composer Kurmangazy, Evgeny Brusilovsky and famous artist Alikhan Kasteyev.
Kazakhstan is famous for its natural resources. There is gold, coal, oil, gas, iron and lead. Four beautiful seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter are distinctively expressed in my country. The land of Kazakhstan is the place of the first flight into space. I am especially proud of my fellow countryman, Alexander Victorenko. He is the cosmonaut who was born in our northern region. Every year he visits his native place. I like meetings with this man. You may have a chance to meet him and enjoy by his charming personality!
I live in Egindikol which is in the northern part of my country. It is a town with a historic past. Our town is small.It’s so exciting! Welcome! You’ll enjoy the natural sights of my region!
Twenty years ago the Independent Republic of Kazakhstan appeared. Undoubtedly, these twenty years passed for our country and are equal to several decades. Thanks to our President’s efforts and his care of our people we have hope in our happy future. I am proud of my Motherland and expect many people to visit my country and admire it.

My motherland is Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan - a country name,

Kazakhstan - is the name of the spring,

Kazakhstan - is the name of freedom,

Kazakhstan - is the sunlight,

Kazakhstan - the wings of victory!

My Kazakhstan - is the most expensive, important, precious, beloved country. This is my homeland ... ..

In Kazakhstan, a single family fifteen million people live, the representatives of more than a hundred nationalities. He ranked ninth in the world in terms of territory! Kazakhstan is rich in folk traditions and customs. Kazakh people - this is the most hospitable people. The largest, most beautiful festival is a celebration of Nauryz. It is celebrated on 22 March. And the biggest national holiday is the holiday of Independence Day. It is celebrated on the 16 th of December. Kazakhstan - a homeland for all Kazakhs, regardless of their nationality.

Kazakhstan - a large state, was built in difficult natural conditions. This steppe, semi-desert and desert. Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources. We also have the famous "space city" Baikonur, from where to start in the Russian space rackets. Three large steppe river - Irtysh, Tobol and Ishim - carry their water in the Arctic Ocean, falling in front of this great Siberian river Ob. The rest of the river flow in the internal waters, the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea and Balkhash.

This unique state like Kazakhstan, is no longer anywhere in the world!

Kazakhstan - a strong, strong power, and our task - to keep her that status. We must protect our homeland, to respect it, to observe the laws of our country, to protect nature and the wealth that gave us our Fatherland. And most importantly - we need to keep the peace in our country, to avoid the troubles and sorrows of all people to be happy.

Kazakhstan - a country of great opportunities, only two decades ago has become an independent. Its development comes rapidly.

The capital of my country is the city of Astana. Astana is a symbolic expression of our openness, both East and West, both South and North. This city is located in the geographical center of Eurasia.

That"s what my Kazakhstan: peaceful, free, rich, cosmopolitan. How can you not love this country? I am proud of my country"s past, devote her life to the present for the sake of our common future.

Now the XXI century - the century of the new generation, who will become the mainstay of the young state. We should pay great attention to study, try to acquire maximum knowledge. The State of the new millennium need educated, active people. From us will depend on the future of the state. "Kazakhstan needs an intellectual revolution, which will awaken and realize the potential of our nation" - said Nursultan Nazarbayev. Personally, I"m going to try to learn, to work for the state to contribute to the development of my country, the Republic of Kazakhstan. My independent Kazakhstan - this is my home, my native land!

Oh, Kazakhstan, How Great Thou Art!

I love you for your face mighty:

Over the steppes, mountains, rivers and seas,

For the fact that you - my motherland!


Kazakhstan is a sovereign state. In December 1991 Kazakhstan declared its independence. Kazak government pursues the policy of friendship and national accord. Historically Kazakhstan has developed as a multinational state. According to the constitution adopted in 1995 every nationality can develop its culture in Kazakhstan. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. Both industry and agriculture are developing here. Nowadays many private firms and joint ventures appear. Kazakhstan has established diplomatic relations with seventy countries of the world. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev is highly respected not only in this country but abroad as well because he is an honest and intelligent statesman.

The most important industrial centres are Karaganda, Pavlodar, Zhezkazgan, Taraz. Our country is rich in mineral resources and minerals. Copper, iron, zinc, lead, coal are mined in Kazakhstan. Now the aim of independent Kazakhstan is to become the country of high technology.

Kazakhstan is good for a place of useful health resorts. People can improve their health at the resorts in Kostanay, Kokshetau, Almaty. They say that Kokshetau is "Kazak Switzerland" because its nature is beautiful and climate is mild. Kazak people are friendly and open-hearted.

Almaty is the cultural, Scientific, economic and transport centre of Kazakhstan. This is one of the most beautiful cities of Asia. The city has a mild climate. Summer in Almaty lasts from May till September with the average temperature of 22 degrees in July. Winter is not very cold with the average temperature of 8 degrees below zero in January.

The city was founded in 1854. Till 1921 it was named Verny. In 1929 Almaty became the capital of the Kazak Socialist Republic. Almaty was the capital of independent Kazakhstan till November 1997. Nowadays the city has seven theatres, many cinemas, hundreds of clubs, libraries and other cultural and educational centres. The most important theatres are the Kazak State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abai and the Kazak State Academic Drama Theatre named after M.Auesov. The city also has the Russian, Uigur, Korean theatres and many other troupes.

Verny had only one gymnasium. Now in Almaty there are 185 schools of general education, a lot of technical secondary schools and Universities. Almaty is a University city. Young people from different places og Kazakhstan come to study here.

Almaty is situated at the food of the Ala-Tau montains. The climate is very favourable for gardening. Everybody in kazakstan knows the world famous apples "aport". The citizens of Almaty are proud of the well known skating-rink "Medeo". It is equipped with all modern sport facilities. The most important competition are held there.

Almaty is the city of kind and hospitable people. It is a great pleasure to visit it.

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Kazakhstan is a sovereign state. In December 1991 Kazakhstan declared its independence. Kazak government pursues the policy of friendship and national accord. Historically Kazakhstan has developed as a multinational state. According to the constit

When I think of Kazakhstan, I imagine the mysterious deserts, vast rocky canyons, unique flora and fauna, the greatness of mountain peaks, emerald lakes.

The birthplace of many prominent people

This Eurasian country belongs to ancient civilization and it has been the home of the nomadic tribes. It is also the birthplace of many prominent people, such as the philosopher Hodja Ahmet Yassavi, famous bard Buhar Zhyrau, Kerey Khan, etc. Today, Kazakhstan is a prosperous country with high level of economy, education and culture.

The territory

It is considered to be the largest landlocked country in the world. Being situated in Central Asia, it shares borders with the following countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, China and some others. Its territory is mainly formed of steppe, taiga, deserts, canyons and snow-covered mountains.

The national flag

The National Flag of Kazakhstan features a blue rectangular cloth with the sun with 32 rays in the center. There’s a soaring steppe eagle under the sun.

The capital and population

The capital of the country is Astana. It’s a modern cosmopolitan city with plenty of architectural sights. The population of the country is more than 17 million people. The regular currency is the Kazakh tenge.

The climate

The climate of Kazakhstan is amazing. It spans four climatic zones: steppe, forest steppe, desert and semi-desert. The remoteness from oceans and its large area affect weather conditions. It can be severely cold in the north and stifling hot in the south.

Such contrasts are common throughout the country. The shortest season is spring. It lasts only 1,5 months. Over 80% of the territory belongs to inland areas. However, there are 8500 large and small rivers, including Irtysh, Ishim, Tobol, Karatal, Ural, Syr Darya. Many small or medium-sized rivers dry up in summer.

Flora and fauna

Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan are diverse. There are coniferous forests, steppes, and alpine meadows. There are plenty of reptiles in Kazakh steppes. Apart from that, antelopes, gazelles, jackals, various rodents can be found there.

Animals seen at the mountainous area are bears, deer, snow leopards and some other species. For wildlife conservation many natural reserves and national parks have been established.

Когда я думаю о Казахстане, то представляю таинственные пустыни, огромные скалистые каньоны, уникальную флору и фауну, величие горных вершин и изумрудные озера.

Родина многих выдающихся людей

Это евразийская страна принадлежит к древней цивилизации, она же служила домом кочевых племен. Она также была родиной многих выдающихся людей, таких как философ Ходжа Ахмед Яссави, известный бард Бухар жырау, Керей-хан, и т.д. Сегодня Казахстан – это процветающая страна с высоким уровнем экономики, образования и культуры.


Это крупнейшая в мире страна, окруженная сушей. Будучи расположенной в Центральной Азии, она граничит со следующими странами: Россия, Узбекистан, Китай и некоторыми другими. Ее территория в основном сформирована из степей, тайги, пустыни, каньонов и заснеженных гор.

Государственный флаг

Государственный флаг Республики Казахстан представляет собой голубое прямоугольное полотнище, посередине которого солнце с 32 лучами. Под солнцем парит степной орел.

Столица и население

Столица страны – Астана. Это современный мегаполис с большим количеством архитектурных достопримечательностей. Население страны составляет более 17 миллионов человек. Общепринятой валютой является казахский тенге.


Климат в Казахстане удивительный. Он охватывает сразу четыре климатические зоны: степь, лесостепь, пустыню и полупустыню. Отдаленность от океанов и большая площадь влияют на погодные условия. На севере может быть необычайный холод, а на юге – удушливая жара.

Такие контрасты часто встречаются по всей стране. Самый короткий сезон – это весна. Она длится всего 1,5 месяца. Более 80% территории относится к внутренним районам, удаленным от моря. Однако там же расположено 8500 больших и малых рек, в том числе Иртыш, Ишим, Тобол, Каратал, Урал, Сырдарья. Многие малые и средние реки высыхают в летний период.

Флора и фауна

Флора и фауна в Казахстане разнообразны. Там есть и хвойные леса, и степи, и альпийские луга. В казахских степях много пресмыкающихся. Помимо этого, там можно увидеть антилоп, газелей, шакалов и различных грызунов.

К животным из горных районов относятся медведи, олени, снежные барсы и другие виды. Для сохранения дикой природы были созданы природные заповедники и национальные парки.

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